Mostly because my French class takes so much time! There's the class itself, plus Phonetics lab, plus weekly conversation sessions with a French university student, plus movies for class, not to mention the reading and the homework itself. Most of it would be much more enjoyable if there were more wine (come on, speaking a foreign language is just easier after a few glasses) and no grades. Hélas...
Speaking of French class outings, last Thursday my whole class (of 12 or so) had a dinner with our teacher and our "conversation assistants" (the French students who we meet with once a week). After a long day of all of my classes, I wasn't really feeling up to another few hours of awkward French conversation with my teacher. But it was mandatory, and it was a free meal.
It was surprisingly not awful. There's just something satisfying about watching your teacher order bottle after bottle of wine, making sure no one's glass is ever empty.
Afterwards, I went with a couple of the Astro kids (Ethan and Deniz) and three of the French students! Sara, Guillaume, and Gregory. They are SO COOL when they're not forcing us to practice our French. We went to an Irish Pub nearby and it was quickly revealed that les françaises know American 80's music better than I do. Go figure.
The rest of the weekend had its ups and downs. A lot of people chose this weekend to travel, so in general it was harder to find things to for those who stayed.
Saturday I went exploring some more. I found a street with more comic book/graphic novel stores right next to each other than should be good for business. I bought a couple of books in a little shop. I'm glad that the Small Used Bookstore is such a universal thing, because the shop was exactly the same as so many I've been to in the states - floor to ceiling books, title after title, dust, the owner's cat rushing past your ankles. Of course I bought a couple.
That night I went out with the frenchies (Sara and Gregory) and I actually ran into two of the Astro girls so they tagged along. We went to a club, daaanced for a while, left at about 4:30 am, decided we may as well wait for the Metro to start running again and got some breakfast. I made it home at about 6 or 6:30 am. on Sunday. Good times were had.
And now I really don't think I can put off my homework much longer.
But I leave you with a picture of our Astronomy class with our first professor, Rich Kron, looking goofy in his brand new beret:

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